People are having a good laugh on Facebook. The self-pronounced expert in tourism, economics, politics, ecology, etc. Toma Belev made a fool of himself with his knowledge in geography demonstrated in a post on Facebook.
While commenting on the best water for swimming he sent the Black Sea to the Mediterranean basin. Hundreds of users made fun of Belev’s knowledge in geography. People are genuinely having fun with the attempts of Toma to redeem himself and continue to mock him. Georgi Harizanov Hello. Good bye. /according to these same data the sea has not become more polluted, but the important thing is to agree/ Toma Belev Reading the low-class media, you think that the water of our Black Sea is crystal clear. Reading the official report of the European Environmental Agency you understand that Bulgaria has the worst water for swimming in the Mediterranean and after the billions paid for treatment plants the sea has become more polluted.